Piano Quartets



First name: Jesus
Last name: Villa Rojo
Dates: 1940
Category: Quartet
Nationality: spanish
Opus name: Espaciado-ritmico (1974)
Peculiarities: to order: http://repertoirecatalogue.muziekbibliotheekvandeomroep.nl/repcat_eng/servlet.starweb
Information: He was born in Brihuega (Guadalajara) in 1940. His father began to teach him music in 1947. In 1961 he completed his clarinet studies. He studied composition with Cristóbal Halffter and gave his first recitals in 1965 with the Spanish Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra. In 1968 he won the position of clarinettist with the Municipal Band of Madrid through a competitive exam and in 1969 became a member of the Spanish Fine Arts Academy of Rome. He worked as a music critic at the Venice Biennial from 1969 to 1972. In 1977 he founded the Musical Interpretation Laboratory, and in 1977 he ran the cycle on the history of music given at the Palacio del Infantado palace in Guadalajara. He has continued composing and conducting since 1995. He created the International Music Prize that bears his name.