Piano Quartets



First name: Viktor
Last name: Fortin
Dates: 1936
Category: Quartet
Nationality: Austrian
Opus name: Kinder Quartett (2009)
Peculiarities: www.fortin.all2web.at
Information: Born: 1936-05-14 in Fohnsdorf, Styria, Austria After primary school working in his parents horticulture, at the same time taking piano lessons. "Bandleader", first attempts in composing. 1956 : entrance examination at the Conservatory in Graz, taking piano,bassoon and recorder studies. With Waldemar Bloch: theory and composition. At the same time attending evening classes preparing for A-levels. 1961 : A-levels. Exam for being teacher of piano, recorder and bassoon. Music teacher in some Styrian music schools. At the same time studies of German, musicology and music education. Starts activities as composer, with works for pedagogical use and writing pieces for the cabaret. 1965/66: examination for teacher in German and music; teacher at secondary schools at different colleges. 1968: teaching post at the music academy in Graz in the fields of recorder and later on also in "music analysis". 1978: appointment as university teacher for recorder, special teaching post for "musical analysis" and "theory of musical form" at the University of Music in Graz. Renews his studies of musicology in Vienna. 1985 : doctoral thesis in musicology and German (University of Vienna). 1993 : election to president of the Styrian Federation of Sound Artists. 1995: gold decoration award of Styria.