Piano Quartets



First name: Jacques
Last name: Cohen
Dates: 1969
Category: Quartet
Nationality: english
Opus name: Castle lament (2009) (3.51 minutes)
Peculiarities: See: http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=8243760&style=music
Information: www.jacquescohen.co.uk Jacques read music at Oxford where he conducted the university orchestras and performed several of his own compositions. When leaving Oxford, he was awarded the Conducting Scholarship at the Royal College of Music where he later won the Tagore Gold Medal, the College's prize for its most outstanding student. Since then he has won several other awards including the August Manns Conducting Prize and the Constant and Kit Lambert Award. He took First Prize in the British Reserve Conducting Competition and was also a prize winner in the Leeds Conductors' Competition. Since 2005, Jacques has been Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Isis Ensemble which he formed from high-profile chamber musicians, soloists and leading players in the established UK orchestras, and which now regularly performs at London’s South Bank Centre and around England.