Piano Quintets



First name: Andris
Last name: Dzenitis
Dates: 1978
Category: Quintet
Nationality: Latvian
Opus name: Stanza I. 31.12.1999 (1999)
Peculiarities: http://www.lmic.lv/core.php?pageId=778&l=A&name=&afftor=&autors=&zanrs=233&Sastavs=&year=
Information: Andris Dzenitis was born on 23 January, 1978 in Riga. He studied composition with Peteris Vasks at the Darziš Music School from 1993 to 1996. The Latvian Composers‘ Union awarded his Sonata for Violin and Piano Pamestie (The Abandoned) their chamber music prize in 1994. He continued his studies with Kurt Swertsik at the Vienna School of Music and Drama on a Herder Scholarship in 1996 and 1997, and then at the Latvian Academy of Music with P?teris Plakidis and the Lithuanian Music Academy with Osvaldas Balakauskas, earning the Master’s Degree in 2003. Dzenitis is active as a music critic, journalist and lecturer. Since 2003, he has been editor of the magazine Muzikas Saule. He has presented lectures at the London Guildhall School of Music and the Latvian Academy of Culture. He has taught composition at the Jezeps Medicš College of Music since 2005 and Cisis College of Music since 2011.